Capturing the passion points in the human experience

Seeing a friend after a long time apart, taking the first bite of dessert, hearing a song that sends excitement through your body, gathering with loved ones to share a homecooked meal. These are moments.

Although seemingly small, these moments make up the human experience, and when looking back on them, these simple seconds are what make life most profound.

Moments Magazine was born as a tribute to these experiences, recognizing the simple passion points in a person’s life by taking time to slow down to appreciate the every day in a world that seems to be moving so fast. I hope you enjoy this short series of people in their moments, powered by StrataBrand on its one-year anniversary.

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Kayla Eleven- Starting With Yourself

Reggae music has a way of bringing my blood pressure down, and in a city as hyperactive as New York, hearing it while walking down the street was an immediate breath of relief. I gravitated towards the sound of “Green Apples” by Dennis Brown being played out of a speaker by the Washington Square Park Fountain.

As I got closer to the sound of the music, I saw a woman immersed in painting beautiful pieces of artwork. She had a benevolent mystique and was humming to the song’s tune while working on her art with precision. She saw me admiring her work, looked up, and said a sweet and spirited hello. Her name was Kayla Eleven.

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Rebecca and Monica- A Park Afternoon

Sunday in Central Park has an exceptional atmosphere. Instead of speed-walking on the busy streets, people saunter their way through the tree-lined walkways, not feeling like they have to keep up with anyone else. There is a sense of presence and stillness. It seems that the world is turning a little slower.

As I walked around the Park, I noticed the distant sound of laughter and banter coming from the top of a boulder I was passing by. I glanced slightly up and saw two girls sitting atop the stone playing cards together, giggling and amused by their game.

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